Principal's Message


Welcome to Cameron Elementary School.  I am pleased to welcome you to a new school year.  Thank you for joining us on our school website.  I am hopeful you will find valuable information about our school, many of the events we will be hosting and the programs we are offering for our students.

This year, we will continue to strive for academic excellence with every child.  Our staff work together to identify essential standards and provide a guaranteed viable curriculum for all students.  In addition, we focus on meeting the socio-emotional needs of each child.  We are proud to say we are a Capturing Kids Hearts School and focus on developing empathy, persistence, flexibility, optimism, and resilience. 

We offer a variety of programs after school  for students including Speech and Debate, Lego Engineering, Coding, and Robotics.  During the school day, we offer Visual and Performing Arts, Dance, and also host a Physical Education program.  

We encourage all parents and community members to join us on our journey.  This can be done by joining our Parent Teacher Association, attending School Site Council meetings and English Language Advisory committee meetings.

I look forward to serving you this school year.  Please feel free to contact the office should you have any questions. 

Kind regards, 

Mrs. Fullerton, Principal

Mrs. Fullerton, principal