Cameron School Policies
- Dress Code Policy
- Parent Involvement Policy-English
- Parent Involvement Policy-Spanish
- Perfect Attendance Program
- Cell Phone/Communication Device Policy
- Drop Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Dress Code Policy
Cameron School Dress Policy
The West Covina Unified School District Board of Education believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. A school may adopt a dress code policy that requires pupils to wear a school-wide uniform (EC 35183).
In alignment with our school's mission to foster academic excellence and cultivate a positive learning atmosphere at Cameron School, all students are required to adhere to our dress code. Your cooperation in selecting suitable attire is crucial in upholding our commitment to a conducive learning environment. Thank you for your support in this endeavor.
Shirts/Blouses: Solid-colored shirts or blouses without graphics or words are acceptable. The shirt/blouse must cover the student’s midriff even when the arms are raised. School Logo T-shirts are acceptable. No undergarments shall be showing. Attire that is low-cut or revealing is not permitted. Examples: clothing that is too tight, exposes midriff, or is see-through.
Pants, Shorts, Skorts, Skirts, Jumpers, Leggings: This clothing cannot be torn, have holes, or have frayed edges. Solid colored, non-see-through, leggings may be worn. Skirts, shorts, and dresses must be at least the length of the tip of the student’s fingers. This clothing must fit sufficiently without a belt. Bottoms can be any solid color.
Hats/Beanies: Hats/beanies with appropriate logos and non offensive language may be worn only when outside. Hats may not be worn inside school buildings. Hats must be worn with the bill or brim facing forward on the head.
Jackets/Sweaters/Sweatshirts: Outerwear may not be oversized. Outerwear may have pictures, graphics, or patterns. Any writing on the outerwear must show respect for all and ensure that words, pictures, or graphics are not violent or offensive to others.
Jewelry, Accessories, Shoes: Jewelry or accessories that pose a safety risk or could be used as a weapon are prohibited. This includes any distracting or hazardous adornments—additionally, tattoos, whether real or temporary, and makeup is not allowed. Items like headbands adorned with spikes or ears are also prohibited due to their potential to cause distraction. All shoes must be closed-toed shoes. Shoes with lights/wheels, crocs, and sandals are not permitted. False nails (acrylic/press-on) pose a safety issue and, therefore, are prohibited.
School Spirit Days:
All students are encouraged to participate in our Fun Friday Spirit Days. Information about Fun Friday will be posted on our social media and Parent Square.
If you need help in attaining the appropriate clothing, the school office staff can help. Please call the office for more information. Studies show that our performance level is higher when we are “dressed for success” for work or school. We appreciate your support of our school dress code policy.
Failure to comply with the school dress policy:
1st time: Parents notified via Parent Square
2nd time: Minor Infraction Form
3rd time: Office Discipline Referral
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.
Parent Involvement Policy-English
West Covina Unified School District
Cameron Elementary School
The West Covina Unified School District requires each school site to establish procedures, which enable schools to comply with state and federal laws for funding. This policy is written to ensure that parent involvement and educational opportunities are available to parents/guardians of Title 1 students. This policy is distributed to parents each year and is made available in English and Spanish. The following is a list of the elements required and specifics on how Cameron Elementary School will meet these requirements.
Cameron Elementary School recognizes that a critical part of effective schooling is parent involvement. The school and the home cannot be looked at in isolation from one another; families and schools need to collaborate to help children adjust to the responsibilities of being successful students.
Research has shown that involvement by parents as partners in their children’s education contributes greatly to student achievement and conduct.
Families provide the primary educational environment.
Parent involvement in their children’s education improves student achievement.
Parent involvement in their children’s education is more important to student success than family income or education.
4. Parent involvement with the school is most effective when it is supportive, long-lasting, and well-planned.
The benefits of parent involvement for students are not limited to early childhood or the elementary grades; positive benefits continue on through high school.
The staff of Cameron Elementary School believes that the education of its students is a responsibility shared with parents. The school’s primary responsibility shall be to provide a high quality curriculum and instructional program in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables all students to meet the academic expectations set forth in the California Common Core State Standards.
Parents shall have the responsibility and opportunity to work with the school in a mutually supportive and respectful partnership with the goal of helping their children succeed in school.
Parental involvement as described in this policy shall be developed with the assistance of parents, agreed to by parents, incorporated in the school’s action plan, reviewed and updated annually by parents, and readily available to the local community.
An annual meeting, which all parents are encouraged to attend, shall be held by October 31 at a time and date that is convenient for the parent community. The written notice (in English, Spanish, and to the extent possible, other languages as needed) shall be given to all parents and will include the rights of parents to be actively involved in supporting their children’s academic achievement. Parents will also receive a description of the services provided to children participating in the Title 1 Program.
Each year, parents shall be invited to attend a number or regularly scheduled meetings/workshops that are planned at times convenient for their participation. Parents will be kept informed regarding the progress of students in the core academic program. In addition, parents will receive specific information about Title 1 program implementation. Through these meetings, parents will be involved on an on-going basis in the planning, reviewing, and revising of program improvements; including the parental involvement policy and school plan.
The principal and school staff shall provide timely information about curriculum, local and state assessment results, the proficiency levels students are expected to meet, and the status of the school’s progress on the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Rubrics. Parents will be informed on an on-going basis about student support programs, classroom activities, and school events. They will provide suggestions for and receive information and training on “family” and “educational” related topics to assist them with their children.
The school staff and parents shall jointly develop a home-school compact that explains how parents, students, and school staff will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. The compact shall be reviewed annually and modified as needed. The compact shall:
A copy will be sent home. The responsibilities of each party will be discussed at parent-teacher conferences, Back-to-School Night, orientation meetings, etc.
Describe how the school staff will be responsible for providing a high-quality instructional program that enables all students to meet the California Common Core State Standards, and for providing a safe, nurturing, learning environment for all students.
Explain how parents will be responsible for supporting their child’s learning by monitoring attendance, homework completion, reading, screen time, and participating in decisions relating to their child’s education.
Describe how students will take responsibility for coming to school prepared and will participate as active learners who take ownership of their own education.
To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents and community that will improve student achievement, the school shall:
Provide regularly scheduled informational meetings and workshops to address topics requested and needed by parents. To address the requirements in the Every Student Succeeds Act, the school shall enable parents to gain a better understanding of the following:
California Common Core State Standards academic content standards and achievement goals all students are expected to meet.
How to monitor their children’s progress through interpreting state and local assessment reports and student progress reports.
Strategies to use at home to support their child’s academic achievement, such as monitoring the completion of homework and school assignments, reading with their child, working with math, literacy training, etc.
Effective use of resources provided by the school that support and encourage parental involvement in their children’s education.
School staff shall be educated, with the assistance of parents, in the value of contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners in their children’s education by using strategies to:
Ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, workshops, and other activities is given to parents in a parent-friendly format, and, to the extent practical, in a language parents understand.
- Implement and coordinate parent programs that build ties between parents and the school, such as opportunities to support the school through volunteering their time, including classroom support and after-school activities
- Become knowledgeable about parent rights as specified in California statutes and in the Every Student Succeeds Act.
3. To further the goal of effective parent involvement, school staff will:
- Examine and provide model parent involvement activities.
- Organize a parent group (PTA) for the purpose of supporting parent involvement activities at the school and to enhance the leadership skills of parents in working with other parents and school staff.
- Train parents in leadership roles in order to effectively serve on the PTA, English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC), Safe-School Committee, and the School Site Council.
- Form alliances with community-based agencies and businesses outside of the school to connect families, in need of assistance, to appropriate services.
The school, to the extent practical, shall provide accessibility and opportunities for parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students to fully participate in school-sponsored activities.
Parent Involvement Policy-Spanish
Distrito Escolar Unificado de West Covina
Escuela Primaria Cameron
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de West Covina requiere que cada plantel escolar establezca los procedimientos que permitan a las escuelas cumplir con las leyes estatales y federales para financiamiento. Estas normas están escritas para garantizar que la participación de los padres y las oportunidades educativas estén disponibles para los padres/guardianes de los estudiantes del Título 1. Estas normas son distribuidas a los padres cada año y están disponibles tanto en inglés como en español. La siguiente es una lista de los elementos requeridos y específicos acerca de cómo la Escuela Primaria Cameron cumplirá estos requerimientos.
La Escuela Primaria Cameron reconoce que una parte crítica para lograr una educación efectiva es la participación de los padres. La escuela y el hogar no pueden ser vistos separados uno del otro; las familias y las escuelas necesitan colaborar para ayudar a los niños a ajustarse a las responsabilidades de ser estudiantes exitosos.
Las investigaciones han demostrado que la participación de los padres como socios en la educación de sus hijos contribuye enormemente a los logros y la conducta de los estudiantes.
1. La familia provee el principal ambiente educativo.
2. La participación de los padres en la educación de sus hijos mejora los logros de los estudiantes.
3. La participación de los padres en la educación de sus hijos es más importante para el éxito de los estudiantes que el ingreso familiar o su educación.
4. La participación de los padres en la escuela es más efectiva cuando es solidaria, duradera y bien planeada.
5. Los beneficios de la participación de los padres, para los estudiantes, no esta limitado a la infancia temprana o los grados de la primaria; los beneficios continúan siendo positivos a través de la escuela secundaria.
El personal de la Escuela Primaria Cameron cree que la educación de sus estudiantes es una responsabilidad compartida con los padres. La principal responsabilidad de la escuela será proveer un plan de estudios, y un programa educativo, de alta calidad, en un ambiente de aprendizaje solidario y efectivo que permita a todos los estudiantes alcanzar las expectativas académicas establecidas en los Estándares de Contenido Académico del Estado de California.
Los padres tendrán la responsabilidad y la oportunidad de trabajar con la escuela en una asociación mutuamente solidaria y respetuosa, con la meta de ayudar a que sus hijos tengan éxito en la escuela.
La participación de los padres, como se describe en estas normas, se desarrollará con la ayuda de los padres, será acordada con los padres, se incorporará en el plan de acción de la escuela, será revisada y actualizada anualmente por los padres, y estará fácilmente disponible para la comunidad local.
Se realizará una reunión anual, a la cual todos los padres son invitados a asistir, en septiembre, en un horario y fecha conveniente para la comunidad de padres. El aviso por escrito (en inglés, en español, y en la medida de lo posible, en otros idiomas que sean necesarios) se dará a todos los padres e incluirá los derechos de los padres para participar activamente en apoyar los logros académicos de sus hijos. Los padres también recibirán una descripción de los servicios proporcionados a los niños participantes en el programa Título 1.
Cada año, los padres serán invitados a asistir a un número de reuniones y talleres regularmente programados, que sean planeados en horarios convenientes para su participación. A los padres se les mantendrá informados con respecto al avance de los estudiantes en las principales materias del programa académico. Además, los padres recibirán información específica sobre la implementación del programa Título 1. A través de estas reuniones, los padres participan en forma continua en la planeación, enmienda y revisión de mejoramiento del programa; incluyendo las normas de participación de los padres y el plan escolar.
La Directora y el personal escolar proveerá información oportuna sobre el plan de estudios, los resultados de las evaluaciones estatales y locales, los niveles de competencia que se espera logren los estudiantes según la Fórmula de Control Local de Fondos (LCFF por sus siglas en inglés). Los padres serán informados en forma continua sobre los programas de apoyo a estudiantes, las actividades en los salones de clases, y los eventos escolares. Ellos darán sus sugerencias y recibirán información y entrenamiento sobre temas relacionados a la “familia” y la “educación” para ayudarlos con sus hijos.
El personal escolar y los padres desarrollarán en conjunto un acuerdo entre la escuela y el hogar que explique cómo los padres, los estudiantes, y el personal escolar, compartirán la responsabilidad para mejorar los logros académicos de los estudiantes. El acuerdo será revisado anualmente y modificado cuando sea necesario. El acuerdo deberá:
1. Una copia se enviará a casa. Se hablará sobre las responsabilidades de cada parte en las conferencias entre padres y maestros, la noche de Orientación para Padres, las reuniones de orientación, etc.
2. Describir cómo el personal escolar será responsable de proporcionar un programa educativo de alta calidad que permita a todos los estudiantes alcanzar las Normas Académicas del Estado de
California, y de proporcionar un ambiente de aprendizaje seguro y estimulante para todos los estudiantes.
3. Explicar cómo los padres serán responsables de apoyar el aprendizaje de sus hijos cuidando su asistencia, que terminen sus tareas, la lectura, vigilando el tiempo pasan viendo pantallas-, y participando en las decisiones relacionadas a la educación de sus hijos.
4. Describir cómo los estudiantes tomarán la responsabilidad de ir a la escuela preparados y participar como estudiantes activos que se hacen cargo de su propia educación.
Para garantizar una participación efectiva de los padres y para apoyar una asociación entre la escuela, padres y la comunidad, que mejorará los logros de los estudiantes, la escuela deberá:
1. Proporcionar reuniones informativas programadas regularmente y talleres que traten los temas requeridos por los padres y que necesitan los padres. Para cubrir los requerimientos del Acta Cada Alumno Tiene Éxito, la escuela deberá permitirles a los padres obtener un mejor entendimiento de lo siguiente:
o Los Estándares de contenido Académico del Estado de California y las metas que se espera que todos los estudiantes logren.
o Cómo monitorear el avance de sus hijos a través de interpretar los informes de evaluaciones estatales y locales, y las boletas de calificaciones, de los estudiantes.
o Las estrategias para usar en casa para apoyar los logros académicos de sus hijos, tales como revisar que completen sus tareas en casa y las asignaciones escolares, leyendo con sus hijos, trabajando con matemáticas, entrenamiento de alfabetización, etc.
o El uso efectivo de los recursos proporcionados por el centro para padres que apoya y alienta la participación de los padres en la educación de sus hijos.
2. El personal escolar será educado, con la ayuda de los padres, sobre el valor de las contribuciones de los padres, y en cómo establecer contacto, comunicarse y trabajar con los padres como socios iguales en la educación de sus hijos usando estrategias para:
1. Garantizar que la información relacionada a la escuela y a los programas para padres, reuniones, talleres y otras actividades, sea dada a los padres en un formato amigable para ellos, y, en la medida de lo posible, en un lenguaje que los padres entiendan.
2. Implementar y coordinar programas para padres que construyan lazos entre los padres y la escuela, tales como las oportunidades para apoyar a la escuela dando su tiempo como voluntarios, incluyendo el apoyo a los salones de clases y en las actividades después del horario regular de clases.
3. Conocer sobre los derechos de los padres como lo especifica la Ley de California y el Acta Cada Alumno Tiene Éxito.
3. Para aprovechar más la meta de la participación efectiva de los padres, el personal escolar:
Examinará y adoptará programas modelo de participación de los padres.
2. Organizará un grupo de padres (PTA, PTO) con el propósito de apoyar las actividades de participación de los padres en la escuela y mejorar las habilidades de liderazgo de los padres que trabajan con otros padres y el personal escolar.
3. Entrenará a los padres en posiciones de liderazgo para servir efectivamente en la PTA/PTO, en el Comité Consultivo del Título 1, el comité de Seguridad de la Escuela y el Consejo del Plantel Educativo.
4. Formará alianzas con agencias y negocios de la comunidad, fuera de la escuela, para conectar las familias que necesitan ayuda con las agencias que ofrecen los servicios apropiados.
La escuela, siempre que sea posible, dará a los padres con limitado dominio en el inglés, padres con discapacidades, y padres de estudiantes migratorios, accesibilidad y oportunidades de participar completamente en las actividades patrocinadas por la escuela.
Perfect Attendance Program
2024-2025 Perfect Attendance Program
Cameron School is committed to fostering a culture of academic commitment and responsibility among its students. By emphasizing the importance of regular attendance and encouraging parents to schedule appointments outside of school hours, the school is setting clear expectations for student engagement and participation in their education. Recognizing students who achieve perfect attendance not only rewards their dedication but also serves as motivation for others to strive for consistent attendance. This approach helps instill habits that are crucial for success both in school and later in life.
Our perfect attendance program will begin with the student's first day of enrollment at Cameron School. Below you will find additional details.
Perfect Attendance for the Month (August-May): Students will receive an extra recess.
Perfect Attendance for the Trimester: Perfect attendance T-shirt given out during the trimester awards assembly. Students will also have a game party with the principal.
Perfect Attendance for the Year: Students will receive a medal at our 3rd Trimester Awards assembly. The student’s name will be entered for a raffle of a bicycle and helmet.
Qualification: A student must be present for the entire day (bell to bell) to count for perfect attendance. If a child is tardy, he/she will not qualify for perfect attendance. If a child gets checked out before our dismissal bell, he/she will not be eligible for perfect attendance.
Perfect Attendance
Cell Phone/Communication Device Policy
2024-2025 Cell Phone/Communication Device Policy
We understand that cell phones and communication devices, including smartwatches, have become prevalent tools for staying connected. However, they also pose significant distractions and security risks within the learning environment. Therefore, we kindly request that you only permit your child to carry a cell phone when absolutely necessary.
While students are permitted to bring cell phones and wear watches to school, it's imperative that these devices remain powered off and stored in their backpacks throughout the school day. To ensure compliance, a permission slip must be submitted to the school office for any student bringing a cell phone or communication device onto campus. Permission slips are available for pickup in the office.
During school hours, including recess, the use of cell phones and communication devices for talking, photography, gaming, recording, or texting is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a focused and secure learning environment.
If a student violates this policy, the following will occur:
First Infraction - Students will have their device taken and locked up in the office until a parent can come to school to retrieve it. An Office Discipline Referral will be issued.
Second Infraction - Students will no longer be allowed to bring a device to school until a parent conference with the principal is held. An Office Discipline Referral will be issued.
The use of any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom without the prior consent of the teacher and the principal is prohibited as it disrupts and impairs the teaching process. EC 51512
Cameron Elementary School and the West Covina Unified School District are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen devices. All other electronic or gaming devices are not permitted at school.
Drop Off and Pick-Up Procedures
2024-2025 Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
As we strive to uphold safety measures and optimize our students' educational experience, we seek the collaboration of our families. Safeguarding our students remains paramount, and we kindly request your support in demonstrating adherence to school protocols. Your cooperation in setting a positive example is greatly appreciated.
Parking Lots
Parking lots are for staff parking only. The front parking lot is also used for school buses.
Guest spots in the parking lot can be used during school hours to take care of school business.
Guest parking spots may not be used during arrival and dismissal times.
Student drop-off and pick-up:
Option 1- Walkers: You may park and walk to drop off and pick up your child. Students are dropped off using the gate in front of the cafeteria. Please park on the street or in the community center.
Option 2- Drivers: You may enter our drop-off area from the back of the school on Mobeck Street. Simply drive in, and stop at the gate where you see a staff member to drop off and pick up your child. You must remain in your vehicle at all times. Please place the Cameron rearview mirror hanger on your car when picking up your child. This will help speed up the pick-up process in the drive-through lane. Exit this area by making a right turn only onto Cameron Ave. A left turn is illegal and can be ticketed.
Morning Procedures:
The cafeteria gate and drive-through gate are open daily at 7:25 am.
Breakfast is served from 7:25-7:55 am.
At 8:00 a.m. the bell for the start of school will sound. Students arriving after 8:05 am are tardy to school and require a parent to sign them in at the office.
Afternoon Procedures:
Kindergarten and TK students will be dismissed at the kindergarten gate.
Students in grades 1-5 who walk will be dismissed at the gate in front of the cafeteria.
Students who get picked up in a vehicle will be dismissed at the gate in the drive-through.
We ask that all parents wait outside the gate for students to exit. As we are a closed campus, adults will not be allowed on campus.